When you partner with Ariane, our success depends on your success. We will work hand-in-hand with your team to overcome the hurdles of fundraising to reach a successful final closing. You will work in an environment of respect and trust, and receive the highest level of service from principals who have not only raised funds, but also invested them. This level of alternative investment experience allows you to bring the Ariane team alongside yours and efficiently leverage your principals' time during the delicate and time consuming process of fundraising.
When you work with Ariane, we will:
Advise you on current institutional investor benchmarks for organizational, structural and performance characteristics of top manager candidates
Survey your stakeholders and limited partner references, and use that information to help you to
articulate your core competencies and differentiating factors
Assist you in the preparation of your private placement memorandum, presentation and due diligence package
Develop a targeted marketing plan and prospective investor list to most efficiently raise your fund.
Provide specific fund-raising presentation skills training. Effective in-person presentations are the most important part of a fund raise, and we dedicate significant practice time with you to ensure you get the most out of every meeting
Present your fund in an educated, convincing and ethical fashion, providing investors with the conviction and information they need to make a knowledgeable investment decision
Provide transparency throughout your engagement with regular, one-to-one communication, including written reports, conference calls, and meetings
Accompany you to prospective limited partner meetings, guiding the process and providing vital, objective feedback
Provide closing support. We are skilled in helping clients bring limited partners to the closing table